Hi Everyone – Good Afternoon,
Quite a week for celebrations we’ve had……
- Monday was May Day: a celebration of Spring and the giving of flowers.
- Tuesday was Teachers Day: even to this day we all have teachers, it’s never a bad idea to say thank you!
- Wednesday we caught our breath.
- Thursday was Star Wars Day: May the fourth be with you!
- And today is Cinco de Mayo: you can read about the history of May 5 but generally associated with Mexican heritage, margaritas and family.
All special days of course, but here in the Los Padres we celebrated yet another event this week as well…….
Generally speaking, the seasonal road closure gates across the forest close December 1 for the winter and then reopen May 1 after most of the rains have passed. This is a relatively new holiday as many of the seasonal gates have not always been closed but none the less May 1 now provides reason for many of us here in the LP to celebrate. We won’t get into MVUM or budgets or politics or any of the other reasons the gates are closed, instead lets focus on the good news that once again road access to more of the forest is open. Here’s the latest and greatest from each of the five ranger districts:
– Three seasonal roads have reopened including Reyes Peak Road (Pine Mountain), Dough Flat Road and Nordhoff Ridge Road (permit required).
– Cherry Creek Road remains closed.
– All campgrounds and trails are open!Mt. Pinos Ranger District:
– All roads, camps and trails have been reopened except for Snowy Trail, Cerro Noroeste, Dry Canyon Rd and Tinta / Rancho Nuevo Trailhead Gate at the Cuyama River / Hwy 33 junction.
– This includes Grade Valley, Alamo and Santa Barbara Canyon.

– The news is not so good in the SBRD……
– The Romero Camuesa Rd, which connects East Camino Cielo with the Upper Santa Ynez Recreation area sustained major structural damage this winter and remains closed to all vehicles. A cribwall section of the road was severely undercut near the junction with the North Romero Trail and will require engineering before the road can be reopened. As a result, the Forest Service has installed a new gate at the junction of East Camino and Romero-Camuesa at Romero Saddle where the pavement turns to dirt. Divide Peak OHV remains open, so appropriate OHV vehicles (<50″) can pass around the new gate and continue to access Divide Peak but there is no vehicle travel down to Juncal, Pendola, the Calientes, etc……. Staging for OHV is now at Romero Saddle. This is major news, we’ll keep you posted as progress develops and timeframes established.
– First Crossing along Paradise Rd remains closed due to storm damage resulting from the Rey Fire. The Forest Service expects First Crossing to reopen in the next few weeks. Currently Upper Oso and the day use areas off River Road are closed.
– No news on when or if Buckhorn Rd / Camuesa will be reopened for OHV use. The Buckhorn was hit hard by the Rey Fire and with most of the road resources going towards public access roads, it sounds like the Buckhorn will have to wait its turn. We’ll keep you all posted on this as well.
– Happy Canyon has been cleared and is open for 2wd passenger car travel.Santa Lucia Ranger District:
– Santa Lucia is a bit more fluid than the other districts. We suggest contacting the District before heading out to a trailhead or location. Here’s the latest:
– All paved roads are open including Fig Mtn Rd, Sunset Valley.
– The dirt roads in the Fig Mtn Recreation Area are closed, including Fig Mtn Lookout, East Pinery, Catway and Old Catway.
– Sierra Madre is open from Rock Front east to McPherson Gate.
– Miranda Pine is closed at the junction with Sierra Madre.
– Bates is closed.
– Rock Front is open.
– Hi Mtn Rd remains closed at both Arroyo Grande and Salinas River sides.
– Pozo is open.
– Colson Canyon is open to Colson Camp but remains locked at the Rattlesnake Saddle gate (more on that below, see La Brea!)Monterey Ranger District:
– The Soberanes Fire Closure continues to impact the Monterey district with most of the Ventana Wilderness remaining closed.
– Hwy 1 is still closed at Ragged Point (south) and Big Sur Station (north).
– Nacimiento Ferguson is open as well as Prewitt and South Coast Ridge Roads.
– All Forest Service Camps along Hwy 1 are open but access is only via Nacimiento Ferguson.
– Palo Colorado is closed.
– Pfeiffer Beach is closed.
– Pfeiffer Big Sur and Andrew Molera State Parks are closed but should open in the coming weeks.Whew, that’s a lot, are you still with us? It doesn’t feel like much of a celebration when you see all the closures that remain in effect. We had quite a winter (rain) following quite a summer (fire). Maybe we should start a band and call it Fire, Rain & Earth. The FS is working hard to reopen the roads. It’ll happen. Remain optimistic we must…….
An Apple a Day, photo Aanjelae

• First Saturday Trail Project Ojai: May 6 on the upper Pratt Trail. Meet at 8:30am at the Ojai Ranger Station to carpool to the Nordhoff Ridge trailhead.
• La Brea Restoration Plan: The SLRD is hosting an Open House to discuss the proposed restoration project for the La Brea Fire closure that dates back to 2010. Public is welcome, the Open House is May 8 from 4-7pm at the SLRD Ranger Station on Carlotti Drive in Santa Maria.
• Final LPFA Working Vacation of the season is May 20-29 at Madulce Camp in the Dick Smith Wilderness. To learn more or to sign up, email INFO@LPForest.org or check here.
• Latest Figueroa Mountain Wildflower Update from our Forest Service wildflower expert Helen Tarbet, see attached.
• Wood cutting permits are available later this month at the Chuchupate Ranger Station. Dates are May 10, 24 and 31 from 10am – 2pm. Call Chuchupate for more information: 661.245.3731
Stay Thirsty my Friends, photo Humphrey