Hello Everyone!
We’ve had some weather. Hurricane Delores did her thing and sent some rain and thunder storms our way last week. It was about as exciting as summer weather gets along the California coastal ranges.


Earlier this month a hiker went missing at Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park. Sadly, after nearly a week, the search was suspended. You can read more about it through a Google search or here.
There was a recent article in the High Country News about the Tar Creek (Ventura County) closure and its influence on the condors in the area. The article highlights some of the Forest Service efforts to control the situation at Tar Creek. Certainly worth a read if interested.
This story made it’s way through Social Media land but in case you missed it, a wild/free condor made a rare visit to Santa Barbara late last month. Yankee Barbareno did a good job of documenting and sharing the information on his blog. You can read it here. Perhaps one day the condor will be feeding along the beaches again, that would be cool to see.