LPFA Used Gear Sale, D13 and Call for Photos




Greetings Friends, 

The annual LPFA Used Gear Sale is THIS SUNDAY, from 11am to 1pm at Manning Park, site A/2. This year’s sale features ridiculously discounted NEW backpacks and tents from Gossamer Gear, tons of lightly used outdoor gear (tents, sleeping pads, clothing, cookware, you name it), as well as a sweet selection of LPFA swag. You don’t want to miss this one! Come get yourself some new-to-you gear to fill out your next Los Padres adventure, all while supporting the trails you love. All proceeds from this event go directly towards maintaining trails in the Los Padres. 

See you Sunday, 

Team LPFA 



It’s LPFA Calendar Season!

It’s that time of year again when we ask for submissions to our 2025 Los Padres Wall Calendar! The submissions last year created what many have deemed our best calendar yet….can we do even better this year? Let’s see what you got…. 

  • All photos or art (paintings are good too) must be of or from within the Los Padres National Forest  
  • Preference given to photos from within the past year or two, but historic photos are okay too  
  • We’re looking for photos of scenery, mountains, valleys, canyons, trails, local flora & fauna, waterfalls, all forms of recreation and activities from across the forest (action shots are great) and anything else that would be awesome to see within a Los Padres calendar  
  • Please limit your submissions to 15 photos and send them in by NOVEMBER 3, 2024. Google Photo Album link preferred. Email to INFO@LPForest.org
  • If your photo is selected, we’ll credit you for the photo within the calendar and mail you a complimentary 2025 Los Padres calendar sometime in December 

We see so many great photos on Instagram and Facebook, if you have any to share, please do so! 

If you already know you need 1, 2 or more calendars for the LP enthusiasts in your life, you can PREORDER them now. And remember, all proceeds go directly toward the LPFA Trail Care Fund, focused on maintaining trails across the Los Padres. 

 D13 Deer Season, and More Volunteer Days: 

D13 Deer Season, Oct 12 – Nov 10

D13 general deer season begins Saturday, October 12th in the southeastern Los Padres and will last through November 10th. This is the second busiest hunting season in the LP. Click here to see a map of Zone D13 but it’s basically the Ventura Backcountry north of Sespe Creek, east of Hwy 33 and west of I5 including most of the Mt Pinos Ranger District. If you are headed into D13 over the next couple weeks, expect to see quite a few hunters and busier trailheads than normal. Stay safe everyone and enjoy the fall colors! 

Schoolhouse Overnight, Oct 18 – 21

There are still a few spots left on our Manzana Schoolhouse Project next weekend, October 19 – 21! LPFA will be spending a few days at Manzana Schoolhouse Camp working on the Hurricane Deck and Sisquoc River Trails. Details are still taking shape but sign on up and we’ll follow up soon! It’s not often we get to CAR CAMP at Manzana Schoolhouse…. 

Agua Blanca Trail, Oct 26

Alan Coles is leading frequent day-long trail projects on the Agua Blanca and Pothole Trails starting SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26TH! This is an awesome part of the forest, as well as the southern terminus of the Condor Trail. Sign on up if you want to join on 10/26, or if you want to hear about the other weekend projects on these trails throughout the fall/winter season…. 

Alder Creek/Cow Spring

Working Vacation: Nov 16 – 25

Did we mention this is Condor Country?

Join LPFA in the Sespe Wilderness out of Dough Flat as we continue our work on the Alder Creek Trail, November 16th-25th! If you haven’t joined an LPFA Working Vacation yet, they are a TON of fun. We’ll be backcountry camping at Cow Spring Camp and working down towards Alder Creek. Meals, drinks, and tools are provided by LPFA pack support for the entire ten day project. Volunteers only need to carry in their personal gear. If you can’t make the full time, no problem! Sign on up and we’re happy to have you for as long as you can join…..

#GivingTuesday for the Ventura Backcountry Trails

Hello Friends, 

Let’s talk a little Ventura Backcountry. Highway 33, which is the primary road used to access the Ventura Backcountry, has been closed since January due to storm damage. Hwy 33 is used to visit many special places including Pine Mountain, Matilija, Rose Valley, Piedra Blanca and large portions of the Sespe Wilderness. The latest update from CalTrans is that Hwy 33 is expected to reopen sometime around the end of the year – that will be great, we can’t wait! 

Unfortunately, so many of the trails accessed from Hwy 33 remain in very bad shape. Not only are there trail-gobbling landslides, washouts and sinkholes resulting from the winter rains but the plants have also been growing like crazy, exploding with trail-guising regrowth. We’ve helped survey many of the trails off Hwy 33 and most of them need a lot of work clearing slides, brushing back the scub oak and helping to once again define where the trail should go.

We’ve started with some of the trail restoration work and have led trail projects this year on the Sespe, Piedra Blanca, Matilija, Chorro Grande, Reyes Peak, Boulder Canyon and Alder Creek Trails but we’ve just scratched the surface of what is truly needed for this amazing network of trails. 

With your support this #GivingTuesday, we’d like to make a huge push over the coming months to get as many of the gnarly sections of trail cleared and back in good shape.

Believe it or not, that is the trail, Kerr Spring Slide,
photo SoniaC

First on our trail priority list would be repairing the Kerr Spring slide along the Sespe River Trail. This section of trail just upstream from Kerr Spring has been a problem for decades but was hit exceptionally hard this past January. Over a hundred yards of trail was buried by a landslide of rock and mud. It’s a disaster and certainly hard to navigate in its current condition. We’d love to organize a combination of volunteers and hired trail professionals to camp at nearby Bear Creek and spend a couple weeks clearing this slide and reopening the Sespe. Please considering helping this #GivingTuesday

We’ll also be continuing our work on the Matilija Trail (come volunteer too!), we’d love to clear Lion Cyn again, work the GMPB up towards Pine Mtn Lodge and hack away at both Potrero John and lower Chorro. No shortage of work to be done, we can’t wait to get out there and do what we do best. 

Your support today goes a long way to helping repair the trails across the Ventura Backcountry. Thanks everyone! See you in the forest and on the trails…..


We’ll be working the Alder Creek Trail in the Sespe Wilderness above Fillmore all of next week as part of a large scale Working Vacation. The project is full but we’re looking to clear the trail from Dough Flat out to Cow Spring and hopefully down a couple miles towards Alder Creek. Should be fun, with us luck! 



We’ve been chipping away at the Matilija Trail for the past few months and are now up about 2 miles from the lower trailhead. We’ll continue our regularly scheduled Thursday and Saturday volunteer days. The canyon is beautiful and we really appreciate all the hard work from the volunteers. Join the fun! 



This coming Sunday will be the second of many trail days this season pn the Agua Blanca Trail. The ABT is located above Lake Piru in the Sespe Wilderness. Super Volunteer Alan Coles will once again be leading the charge and we’ll hopefully continue pushing up towards the Devil’s Gate. Hope you can make it! 


LPFA Working Vacations: Hammers, Pulaskis and Friends!

Manzana Schoolhouse Re-Roofed

The LPFA just wrapped up an incredibly successful 5-day Working Vacation based at the Manzana Schoolhouse. In addition to the usual top-notch trail work, our volunteers also replaced the decrepit roof on the Schoolhouse itself. The previous roof was last replaced in 1990 and was breaking apart and littered with holes. The structure was at risk of falling over and potentially being lost forever. We’ve been working with the Forest Service for most of the past decade trying to get the necessary approvals to replace the roof and at long last it finally all came together. Bravo! and just in time as we have rain coming in just a few days! 

We want to thank everyone who participated but especially Greg J and Mark B who have sat through years of planning meetings and had the patience and expertise to pull this off. We’ll be sharing more about this project and other planned historic structure repairs in the coming weeks as well. Stay tuned…..

As mentioned, there was more accomplished in addition to the awesome work on the Schoolhouse. Our stupendous volunteers were able to repair tables around the campground and restore approximately 1.5 miles of the incredibly overgrown western Hurricane Deck Trail. If you know the Deck, you know how much work was needed to just get it cleared that far. (round of applause please) For those of you who missed out on the fun, don’t worry, we’ll be back soon with plans to finish the Deck up to the Potrero Trail junction. STAY TUNED!

Dough Flat, Alder Creek, Sespe Working Vacation

Tis the season for volunteer Working Vacations and we’ve got another great one planned for December, this time in the Sespe Wilderness! We are planning a Working Vacation based at Dough Flat from December 1-10 working the Alder Creek Trail. The plan as of now is to have both a car-camping option as well as a backpacking option. The car-camping portion of the project would be based at Dough Flat working the first 4 miles of the trail out towards the Bucksnort junction. The backpacking portion would be based at Cow Spring Camp and working down from there. Lots of details need to be worked out ahead of time and we may even have a combo option where half the project is at Dough Flat and half at Cow Spring. TBD. 

If you are interested in learning more or to sign-up, email us at VOLUNTEER@LPForest.org or click the link below. As usual, the LPFA is planning on providing all food and tools. We’ll likely do some cleanup at Dough Flat as well and could use help with painting, cooking, etc… Sign up if interested and we’ll provide details in the coming week or two. THANKS!

It’s always great to hear from trail users who use the trails we help maintain. Here is a group of backpackers from Midland School enjoying a section of the Sespe River Trail that the LPFA Trail Crew restored over two hard weeks in May 2022. Many thanks to all of you who donated as part of #GivingTuesday so that we could repair this trail. Looking forward to #GivingTuesday 2023! photo Dan Susman


The big news across the forest right now is the impending rain stormset to hit the Los Padres next week. Forecasts are showing significant rain that will likely initiate the seasonal gate closures across the forest. Don’t shoot the messenger…..

Thanks to all of you who helped support yet another successful LPFA Used Camping Gear Sale! We were able to set records for both most money raised as well as most happy forest-users leaving with awesome gear. Cheers to Gossamer Gear and Rik’s everlasting spirit.

LPFA 2024 Calendar Update 

Wow, did we get a bunch of great photos for this years 2024 Los Padres wall calendar! We actually have 517 photos submitted ~ it’s going to make selecting the photos really really hard. Good problem to have and the calendar is going to be something special this year. The calendar is currently for sale, if you’d like to reserve your copy and/or copies for all your friends and family, please click here to order. Thanks. this photo Wayne Spada

LPFA Trail Work Updates 

With the temperatures falling and water still flowing, the LPFA Trail Crew and LPFA Volunteers will be busy working trails this fall and winter. We have work scheduled on the following trails: Pothole, Agua Blanca, Alder Creek, Sespe, Matilija, Santa Barbara Cyn, Sisquoc, Sweetwater, Manzana, Hurricane Deck, Santa Cruz, Aliso, Matias, Arroyo Burro, Cold Spring, Blue Cyn, Franklin, Davy Brown, Trout Creek and anywhere else trail work might be needed. Click here if you’re interested in learning more about the Trail Crew.

Volunteer Help Needed 

In addition to the larger scale Working Vacations mentioned above, we have the following volunteer projects scheduled as well: 

  • November 12: Agua Blanca Trail, Sespe – this will be the first of many regularly scheduled and weather dependent trail days along the Agua Blanca Trail. Led by local trail steward Alan Coles, we’ll be driving out beyond locked gates and strategically chipping away at both the Agua Blanca as well as the Pothole Trail. We’ll be out there this Sunday with future dates to come. If interested click here or email VOLUNTEER@LPForest.org
  • November-December: Matilija Trail – Led by another local legendary trail steward named Peter Wilder, the LPFA has continued to work the Matilija Trail on most Thursdays and Saturdays since August. Our work will continue tomorrow and then we’ll likely change schedule a bit due to Thanksgiving. If interested click here or email VOLUNTEER@LPForest.org.

Before, During & After photos showing trail repair work the LPFA Trail Crew completed this summer along the West Fork Cold Spring Trail in support of Montecito Trails Foundation. This section of trail was severely damaged during the January 2023 storms and needed a complete overhaul. Please remember to share any trail damage you might find either with the local Forest Service Ranger Station, on HikeLosPadres or email us directly and we’ll forward to the appropriate persons – thanks!

RIP Madulce and D13 Kick Off

Madulce Cabin, circa 1983, photo Eldon Walker

Hello Friends,

20 years ago today (Oct 11, 1999) the Madulce Cabin was tragically burned to the ground as a result of either an accidental burning or arson (click here for more of the history).  The historic Madulce Cabin site is located in the heart of the Santa Barbara Backcountry, within the Dick Smith Wilderness and has a rich history dating back long before the Los Padres was known as the Los Padres. Before going up in flames, the much beloved Madulce Cabin was open to the public for shelter during bad weather or to briefly relive times long gone when forest rangers lived in cabins, stations and lookout towers across the Los Padres. It’s hard to imagine how different the forest must have been back then. Phone lines stretching across the mountains, connecting stations with fire lookouts and horse mounted rangers regularly patrolling the backcountry. Allow yourself to dream of how immaculate the trails must have been back then? Insert dream……. Times have changed, for better or worse, and the idea of phones across the mountains might not sound so good these days but back then it must have been a sight to behold. The Madulce Cabin site remains on the National Register of Historic Places but without the cabin it’s hard to recreate the feeling of what this site must have felt like during its heyday. There was some talk a few years back of trying to rebuild the Madulce Cabin. Local backcountry historians drafted a blueprint of the cabin and had secured private funding to rebuild an exact replica of the Madulce Cabin. Yet the story goes that due to modern Wilderness regulations the Forest Service was not able to permit the rebuilding of the Madulce Cabin. Pros and cons…..

In recent years, Madulce has been the location of quite a few LPFA trail projects and Working Vacations and remains a fantastic place to visit for backpackers or horse/mule packers. The area was mostly burned in the 2007 Zaca Fire but a few mature cedars and pines are still standing next to the cabin site. The horse corral remains along with some other remnants of the cabin era. Times change and perhaps one day a replica of the cabin can be rebuilt at Madulce to once again aid backcountry travelers. Maybe people will again seek refuge from snow storms inside the cabin and wait out the weather next to the wood burning stove. Then again, maybe not. Either way, today we look back at 20 years ago when the Madulce Cabin burned to the ground and along with it a treasured part of Los Padres history.  Lets hope that even without the cabin the memory and history will live on at least another 20 years too…..

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Doe a Deer D13, Summer 2019


The general deer hunting season in Zone D13 starts this weekend October 12 and lasts through November 10. Within the Los Padres, D13 covers the Mt Pinos Ranger District east of Hwy 33 and the Ojai District north and east of Sespe Creek. Expect to see a lot more activity within D13 over the next month and in particular this long holiday weekend. If you aren’t planning on hunting, you may want to choose a different location for your LP adventures this weekend and over the coming few weeks.  Be safe, tread lightly, remember fire restrictions and good luck……

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National Public Lands Day Volunteers on Lion Canyon, photo Josephine Liu


• While wildfire season is now a 12 month endeavor, we’ve got some “fire weather” headed our way over the coming days that include red flag warnings and potential preemptive power outages.  Be safe.

• There have been a few smaller wildfires within the Los Padres over the past month including the October 1 Ranch Fire (55 acres) near Pozo and the September 21 Lopez Fire (220 acres) outside of Arroyo Grande. The Lopez Fire was started by an improperly extinguished campfire.  Please, even if you are in a designated campfire use site, always remember to properly extinguish your campfire, it’s not worth doing it half ash. Like that?  It’s an original.  Royalties?

• Lastly, regarding wildfires, there were a couple articles recently written and a podcast related to the Los Padres and wildfires.  Check out History of Wildfires in Big Sur, an Outside Magazine Podcast about defending your home from wildfire and a LA Times piece discussing fuel breaks as related to the Thomas Fire. 

• Last month SLO based super meteorologist John Lindsey scientifically prophesied that “we could see lower than average amounts of rainfall in California this winter“.  And so the prediction game begins.  In the past we’ve heard weather predictions ranging from acorn droppings to ant activity but Mr. Lindsey is a living legend and a genius when it comes to weather.  We’ll see what happens…..  What do you predict?

• Over the past month sections of the following Los Padres trails have been maintained by your friendly neighborhood trail groups and the Forest Service: Lion Canyon Trail, Sisquoc Trail, Tunnel Trail, Jesusita Trail, West Fork Cold Spring Trail, Romero Trail, San Ysidro Trail, Franklin Trail, Pine Ridge Trail, Potrero John Trail, Reyes Peak Trail

• Big thanks to volunteers from Southern California Edison who showed up at toasty Dough Flat on a late July Saturday to help clean up the trailhead, paint the bathrooms, install signs and spend a little time clearing the trail up to the Condor Observation Point.  Thanks also to United Trail Maintainers of California for providing the trailhead sign and the Forest Service for the support!

What’s the opposite of a power outage? SCE volunteers bringing it!

Two more steel debris flow nets are being installed above Montecito on San Ysidro and Buena Vista creeks.  These two new nets will bring the total nets installed to sixNote that the information on the link is out of date.

• Here’s an feel-good story about some stranded hikers along the Arroyo Seco who were unable to reach the Police and cleverly used a message in bottle in order to get help.

• The Los Padres Forest and Ventana Wilderness Alliance will be moving forward with a trail reroute along the Pine Ridge Trail.  The PRT was damaged during the 2016 Soberanes Fire and subsequent 2017 storms to the extent that a reroute is needed near Barlow Camp.  No date has been set as to when the trail may reopen but hopefully sometime within the next year. Stay tuned…..

• Late last month the State Water Resources Control Board voted that more water needs to be released from Cachuma Lake in order to support the steelhead population.

• Super Volunteers, friends of the LPFA and Gossamer Gear ambassadors Rik and Paul were featured this past month in a Gossamer Gear profile series, click link above.  We know Rik and Paul really well, they are the main driving force behind so much good stuff across the forest including the LPFA Used Gear Sale, but it’s always cool seeing their influence extend beyond the Los Padres.  Great work guys!

• LPFA supporter and friend of the forest Kevin Cody has started a Facebook fundraiser on behalf of the LPFA.  We’ve known Kevin for many years and over that time he’s become somewhat famous for his dedication to keeping the forest litter free.  In particular he has a hatred of stray helium balloons.  It is not uncommon to be running or hiking with Kevin and then all of a sudden see him swimming through brush or scaling hillsides to retrieve that stray helium balloon that happened to plunge down in the Los Padres.  We’re willing to bet that no one has recovered more lost helium balloons than Kevin has.  Setting a great example Kevin and thanks for the additional support.  Happy Birthday!  If you’d like to support Kevin’s fundraiser, click here.

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Kevin Cody doing what he does, days deep in the Caliente Drainage

Hungry For National Trails Day

Santa Cruz Drainage, photo Fosters

Almost like clockwork, the June gloom has set in.  After a few weeks of abnormally cool May weather, which included some snow at the higher elevations, we appear to be settling in to the usual June gloom coastal patterns and hotter inland temps.  We’re also starting to get reports that some of the creeks and rivers are drying up.  The flow has receded to a trickle and in some cased to no water whatsoever.  There is still more water on the surface than there was at this time last year but most of the springs are at all time low flow rates and we should expect dry conditions throughout most of the backcountry within the next month or two.  If heading out on a trip, be sure to choose your destination wisely.  Check the weather forecasts, avoid the heat and check in with the various websites like www.HikeLosPadres.com or www.VentanaWild.org for the most recent water reports.


June 6 is National Trails Day.  We mentioned this a few weeks ago but have a few more details this time around.  There are three trail projects scheduled in the Los Padres that weekend.  This is a great opportunity to get out, volunteer, meet people, learn about the Forest, get some exercise, off the couch and into the fresh air.  Not only should you try to make it to one of these events, but try to bring a friend along or someone who doesn’t frequent the Forest.  I promise they’ll be excited about the day and end up thanking you for getting them out there.  Who knows, it could make an everlasting change in their lives and it would be all thanks to you!  Hope to see you out there…….  Click the links below to learn more.


Getting hungry yet?
We’re really excited to announce a fund raiser for the Wheeler Gorge Visitor Center at Jim & Rob’s restaurant in Ojai on Tuesday June 2.  See the attached flier for more information.  Long story short, the Visitor Center at Wheeler is in desperate need of a new AC unit.  We host weekly educational interpretive events at Wheeler and it can get dreadfully hot in the conference room.  When then AC does finally kick in, first it sounds like a large airplane is taking off in the corner and second the cooling is not what it once was.  We are beginning a fund raising campaign to raise $15,000 to replace the AC and position it outside of the conference room.  Jim and Rob’s will be donating 20% of all proceeds from dinner sales that night to help replace the AC unit.  If you are within driving distance of Ojai, we’d love to see you at Jim and Rob’s.  The food is great, atmosphere is fun and where else can you eat a burrito and raise money at the same time.  A temporary professional food eater.  Hope to see you there and again check out the attached flier.

Dough Flat Road out of Fillmore (aka Squaw Flat Rd) is closed due to reconstruction of a retaining wall.  We got word this past weekend that the closure is 8miles before you get to Dough Flat.  So if you are planning a trip to that part of the Forest be sure to plan on an extra 8miles of road hiking/biking before you get to the trailhead.  The road is supposed to reopen May 28.  We’ll keep you posted as to when the road reopens.

Gibraltar Road in SB County has been reopened after a few weeks of repaving.  Rumor is that the work is not done just yet but it will be open for at least the next few weeks.  Probably really good road biking up there right about now.

Paradise Rd, also in SB County, is getting a facelift at the moment as well.  It is not closed but there are rather long waits going up or down the canyon as a pilot car is needed to chauffeur cars along the road.  Heading up-canyon, the pilot car is leading twice an hour at 15after and 15before the hour.  Coming down-canyon, the pilot leads on the hour and on the half hour.  The closure currently starts near Paradise Campground and word was that earlier today it took almost an hour to get from Paradise Camp to First Crossing.  The work is scheduled to last until August and is on weekdays starting at 0630 and ending at approximately 1630.  Plan accordingly.

The LPFA is working on scheduling a First Aid certification class this Fall in Santa Barbara County.  This is the necessary cert for any crosscut sawyers or chainsaw operators.  Dates are flexible but if you would like to attend please let us know.  The cost will be around $40 and the class will be one day.  INFO@LPForest.org for more information.

The Forest Service is looking for volunteers to help plant oak trees in the Santa Ynez Valley.  If you are interested in hearing more details, let us know.  The work has started and will be needed throughout the summer.  INFO@LPForest.org for more info.

SB County is hosting a free landscaping workshop focused on drought tolerant planting.  It’s this Friday May 29 at the Faulkner Gallery off Anapamu Street.  For more information visit www.waterwisesb.org/workshops  or email Riley Hubbell at riley@loacom.com.

Lots going on, hope I didn’t lose you there.  Take care everyone and stay in touch………..
May 19-27: Santa Cruz Trail Project
May 29-31: Buckhorn Trail Project
June 2: Jim & Rob’s Ojai Fundraiser
June 5-7: National Trails Day, Mono Campground Trail Weekend
June 6: Sespe National Trails Day Project
June 6: Romero Canyon National Trails Day Project
June 27: Big Sur Wilderness Celebration
June 12-14: Bear Sisquoc Crosscut
July 10-12: Santa Barbara 100 Endurance Run Support
July: Madulce Trail Crosscut

West Big Pine Fadeaway
