Even though we’re in the dog days of summer, there is no shortage of activity across the Los Padres. We’ve got a jam-packed email focusing on many of the events and incidents within the LP; lets get to it! If there is anything missing or you’d like included in future emails, please let us know……..
• The Los Padres National Forest is hiring within the Wildland Firefighter Apprenticeship Program. Interested candidates can apply at www.USAJobs.gov starting 8/11 – 8/25. Additional information available here.
worked the access road for Rinconada Trailhead making it drivable for equestrian trailers once again. A+!
A few upcoming dates, events, projects, presentations or things you might want to know.
If you have any forest-related events to add to this list, let us know and we’re more than happy to pimp your event!
August 7: West Fork Cold Spring Trail Maintenance, SBMTV, Santa Barbara Frontcountry
August 11: Santa Ynez Valley Historic Museum, Chumash Trails
August 12-14: LPFA Madulce Trail Sawyer Project
August 13: A-Zone South Hunting Season Starts
September 8: Santa Ynez Valley Historic Museum, Walking El Camino Real
September 11: Island View Trail Race
September 14: LPFA Backpacking Fundamentals Class
September 20: LPFA Trail Talk Series, History of Los Padres Lookouts by Craig Carey
September 24: National Public Lands Day Trail Project, Lion Canyon Trail, Ojai
October 13: Santa Ynez Valley Historic Museum, Rangers of the San Rafael Wilderness
October 16: D-13 Hunting Season Starts
October 22: LPFA Used Gear Sale
October 29: LPFA First Aid & CPR Training