Couple tidbits from across the Forest, if you have anything to add, please send our way:
• The 20th Annual Volunteer Wilderness Ranger Training will be January 23-24 at the Los Prietos Compound, Santa Barbara Ranger District. Much more information to come but we wanted to make sure you all get it on your calendars. 20 years is certainly reason to celebrate.
• The Mt. Pinos Ranger District has announced their seasonal closures which start today. See attached document for specifics.
• Franklin Trail Fundraiser on December 2. The Santa Barbara Trails Council is hosting a Happy Hour to help raise funds for the Franklin Trail and thank the Sierra Club for their contributions to the trail. More information here.
• A cold front is crossing the LP over the coming days. Freezing temps are expected across most of the forest. While rain is expected in the northern LP, not much is expected to fall south of the Santa Ynez Valley and Sespe Creek.
• In October, the Ventana Wilderness Alliance headed up an effort to bring Leave No Trace to the Pine Ridge Trail in order to evaluate the impact along the trail and recommend a course of action to help alleviate the impacts. While out there, LNT came across Flyin’ Brian Robinson, the famous thru-hiker. He gave a nice short interview on LNT and why it’s important. Worth checking out here.
• Yeti Coolers released a great short video talking about the Los Padres Outfitters and some of their history between Tony Alvis and Graham. You can view it here.
• While the Los Padres Charter Sierra Club Condor Call has been out now for a few weeks old, if you haven’t checked it out, it’s certainly worth a read as well. Click here.

The LPFA produced 4 years of calendars from 2008-2011 highlighting waterfalls. This time around we’re opening it up to anything Los Padres related. Could be an epic sunset, a photo of wildlife, a view from your favorite trail or even a waterfall. If you have something great to share, we’d love to see it. All photos need to be sent and finalized by December 10. We won’t use your photos for anything other than the calendar without your permission. We’ll have information on how to get a calendar by mid-December, just in time for the holidays. If you have any other questions, let us know……. Thanks, looking forward to seeing some great photos.
The window, barely open….. photo Slattery