Hi Everyone,
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NPLD Across the Forest
This coming Saturday September 30 is National Public Lands Day (NPLD). NPLD is the nation’s largest single-day volunteer effort on public lands with events and volunteer opportunities setup across the country. If you’re looking to participate in NPLD we’ve got you covered here in the Los Padres with three scheduled projects to choose from:
Join volunteers from Ventana Wilderness Alliance and the LPFA as we will be camping near Salmon Creek Trailhead and spending the weekend maintaining nearby trails and helping to educate trail-users on Leave No Trace and responsible forest use. If you’d like to sign up please email us (INFO@LPForest.org) or check this link for more information. RSVP is required as space is limited……
A local who’s who of SB trail restoration workers are going to descend on Tunnel Trail this Saturday to do what they do best. Tunnel Trail is in need of some love and when better to share that love than NPLD. Project begins at the trailhead at 8am, lunch will be provided, more information here and attached PDF.
This NPLD project was scheduled a week later on October 7 in order to avoid conflicts. We’ll be meeting at the Ojai Ranger District at 8:30am on 10/7 and then carpooling up to the top of the Pratt Trail. From there we’ll be clearing brush and fixing trail, all with great views of the Ojai Valley and the eastern Santa Ynez Mtns. Come join us!
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“Trail? I Don’t See No Stinkin Trail!” – Aliso Trail Hole
Most of us have probably volunteered at some point to help support the trails you love. If you haven’t, you really should! It’s great exercise, you feel good about yourself, spending time in nature, you feel good about yourself, meeting new friends, you feel good about yourself, always learning new things and you feel good about yourself. And some of us have probably volunteered A LOT, thank you for your help! For those of us looking to add skills to the trail work we love, there are two upcoming trail building trainings that you might want to look into:
Rigging is an advanced trail building technique designed to safely move large heavy objects into place while building or restoring trails. Think of rigging like a zip-line for objects such as boulders, supplies or wood where those objects are moved into place along the trail using a tool called a griphoist. I’m sure you’ve seen giant 400lb rock steps placed on trails, most likely those steps were built using a griphoist and rigging. If you’re interested in learning more about the art of moving large objects, United Trail Maintainers of California (UTMC) has graciously scheduled a free 3-day training Oct 7-9 in Tehachapi. The class will be taught by OBP Trailworks, for more information check this link or contact UTMC to sign up. We’re expecting lots of beautiful step works and rockwalls across the LP in the coming years!
What good is working a trail if it’s not sustainable? Of course the brush always comes back and gravity takes down trees but if you’re interested in learning how to build and maintain a sustainable trail come on out to this 2-day training being offered by Central Coast Concerned Mountain Bikers (CCCMB) at Montaña de Oro State Park. The class costs $100 and should be a great weekend of practical trail learning and instruction. For more information check the link right here.
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The Itsy-Bitsy Spider Climbed Up the Dry Waterfall