Hello Friends – HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
Tent or No-Tent, the First Light Redondo Views are Amazing!
• In advance of this most recent storm, the LPNF has begun closing some of their seasonal and wet weather gates. HikeLosPadres.com and the Los Padres NF website are good places to check road closures but we strongly suggest calling your local Ranger Station in advance to make sure of the gate status. NOTE: The Ojai District plans on closing their seasonal gates on December 15, which includes Pine Mtn. NOTE: Hwy 1 in southern Monterey County is closing as needed in advance of any larger storm.
• The Front Fire Closure has been lifted and Rockfront OHV is once again open to the public. This includes the Gifford and Adobe Trails. That being said, Rockfront was closed this week in advance of the storms but should be reopened once the roads have a few days to dry. Be sure to check with SLRD if you plan on hitting up Rockfront.
• Reminder that even with this wet weather fire restrictions remain in effect across the Los Padres. Hopefully the fuel moisture levels will improve so that the FS can safely adjust the fire restrictions. Usually the restrictions are lifted after the forest has received 2″ of rain.
• Certainly a storm theme to this email…. A privately funded group called The Partnership for Resilient Communities is proposing to install 40+ steel nets across the canyons above Montecito designed to halt the flow of debris and rocks along the canyon. Their current plan calls for the installation of 13 nets sometime in the coming months, two of which will block trail access.
• In the bummer category of news there have been a few break-ins at some of our trailheads over the past few months. Total bummer. We don’t want any successful break-ins as that usually fuels repeat criminal visits. REI has done a good job of coming up with 10 Tips to Deter Trailhead Theft, read it here.
• There are two proposed Forest Thinning Projects in the Mt. Pinos District along Tecuya Ridge and Cuddy Valley. Earlier this week the FS released their proposed action for Cuddy Valley, click the link for specifics. You can learn more here, here and here.