Sespe Wilderness Roaring – photo Mark H.
Hello Friends,
Tis the season for Trail Work and we’ve got a lot of upcoming trail projects in the queue including two 10-day Working Vacations and an assortment of other fun volunteer opportunities. Take a look, hope you can join the fun and as always feel free to reach out with any questions you might have:
Santa Barbara Canyon, Mar 21 – 30
The LPFA has been hard at work over the past year rerouting the dreaded Heartbreak Hill section of the Santa Barbara Canyon Trail. We are so close to wrapping this one up. Join us the last week of March to put on the finishing touches – sign up here!
Alder Creek, Sespe, Apr 12 – 20
We’re headed back once again to the Alder Creek Trail for a full-scale Working Vacation based out of Alder Creek Camp in the Sespe! If you haven’t joined a LPFA Working Vacation before, they are an absolute blast. Check out this post for a bit more of what to expect from a typical Working Vacation. Details are still taking shape and the exact dates may shift depending on the weather, but sign on up and we’ll work out the details closer to the event!
Ojai Trail Work, Ongoing
The LPFA continues our regular weekly trail projects across Ojai. We’ve recently worked Rose-Lion, Lion Cyn, Cozy Dell, Gene Marshall – Piedra Blanca, Potrero John and of course we’ve been mostly working Matilija so that the trail is ready once the road reopens. Dates and times vary but click below if you’d like to get on the sign-up list. Thanks…..
Wheeler Gorge Open House, May 3
The LPFA will be hosting our annual Open House at Wheeler Gorge Visitor Center on May 3. Gonna be fun! We are currently looking for volunteers who might like to help with the event or get involved at the Visitor Center. Let us know if that sounds fun. We’ll be promoting the Open House lots more in the coming months, stay tuned and put it on your calendar……
A Sweet Before & After
Sometimes it’s hard to see the forest through the trees, especially when restoring a very overgrown backcountry trail. Sit on your butt, cut brush, swamp – Scooch. Sit on your butt, cut brush, swamp – Scooch. Repeat, repeat…. Fortunately, nowadays we have access to really cool satellite imagery that is updated frequently enough to help show the progress we’re making along the trails. The image on the left is of the Sweetwater Trail in 2023 (no trail) and the image on the right is from fall 2024 (yes trail). The LPFA Trail Crew has spent many weeks cutting back the brush along this San Rafael Wilderness Trail and we’re getting really close to finishing it up. It’s a long backpack just to get to the Sweetwater but the rewards and views are amazing, and now the trail is too ~ at least for now….. Go check it out!
Nine Trails Santa Barbara
For any of you folks running Nine Trails this weekend, we’ve got you! Among other SB Frontcountry trail projects, we just spent three days clearing brush, drains and removing sharp metal objects along the Rattlesnake and Tunnel Connector Trails. If you know that sharp metal object, it’s no longer there ~ yee haw!
Good luck this weekend ~ have fun!