Los Padres Events, Yeehaw!

Cuyama Badlands Below, Mt. Pinos Above, January 2016; photo Humphrey

Good Evening Everyone,

Most of the forest saw a good dose of rain today.  While the Southern LP is forecast to get less than an inch, the Big Sur backcountry is getting hammered with as much as 6 inches falling over the past 12hrs.  The recent rains along Big Sur have caused periodic Hwy 1 road closures.  If you’re headed that way, be sure to check road conditions before you go, take your time and it’s a good idea not to drive after dark.  Be safe and after the skies clear we’d love to check out any of the great forest photos (like the one above from earlier this month) you might be capturing.

There are a few upcoming events that we wanted to share in addition to the list of trail projects announced last time.  Check em out below and hope to see you there.

Backpacking Introduction Classes

Santa Barbara: Led by Curt Cragg, the LPFA will be hosting a 6-week Backpacking Fundamentals Class starting on March 1.  This is the third time Curt has led this course and it’s been received incredibly well.  If you are a beginning backpacker or have looked for a reason to get into backpacking, this is a must for you.  Not only will you learn from the best-of-the-best about the latest in backpacking gear, wilderness safety and how to plan backpacking trips, but perhaps the best part is the friendships that come as a result of the class.  We’ve seen great friendships develop in these classes and there’s no better way to get into backpacking than with a friend or two to share the experience with.  For more information check the link here or contact Curt at: Curt@LPForest.org

Ventura: The Sierra Club also leads a Wilderness Basics Course designed to teach backpacking and wilderness appreciation for those looking to get into backpacking.  The Sierra Club has been offering a WBC for many years now, it’s a great program.  Classes start in late February, for more information please check this link.




USFS / IMBA Central Coast Trail Stewardship Summit: February 20-21

IMBA, in conjunction with the Los Padres National Forest, LPFA, CCCMB and SBMTV, is hosting a weekend trail building/maintenance workshop at the Los Prietos Compound in Santa Barbara County.  The summit will start on Saturday 2/20 with an in-depth classroom workshop focused on sustainable trail construction and maintenance, focused water control and tread repair methodologies.  Sunday 2/20 will be a field class showing how to walk the walk, or in some cases ride the ride.  This is an opportunity to get incredible training from world class trail managers and crews.  Camping will be available at nearby Sage Hill and there will be a plethora of social and fun activities built around the trail instruction.  The cost is $150 per person and limited scholarship funding is available through the LPFA.  If you are interested in signing up or learning more, please contact INFO@LPForest.org.


January 21, Santa Barbara: The Los Padres Trail Riders are hosting a presentation by Otis Calef about a group of Los Padres horse/mule riders who recently completed a 1,200 mile ride along the Old Spanish Trail from San Bernardino, Ca. to Santa Fe, New Mexico.  For more information see the attached PDF.

January 24, Santa Paula: The Ojai Ranger District is organizing a cleanup along Santa Paula Canyon.  For more information contact INFO@LPForest.org or call the Ojai Ranger Station at (805) 646-4348.

January 25-26, Los Olivos: NatureTrack is hosting a two-day nature stewardship program in Los Olivos.  Sounds pretty neat!  See attached PDF for more information or contact NatureTrack directly.

February 6, Santa Barbara/Santa Ynez: The LPFA is hosting a First Aid / CPR training at the Los Prietos Fire Compound along Paradise Rd.  If you are in need of First Aid/CPR certification or want some additional training, let us know at INFO@LPForest.org.  Space is limited.


January 15 – March 1, Figueroa Mountain: The FS announced earlier this week that there will be a series of prescribed burns in and around the Fig Mtn area over the coming months.  See attached for more information.

January 19, San Luis Obispo: The FS announced that the maintenance and repair along West Cuesta Rd will continue this month and that the area is closed to public entry due to safety.  See attached PDF.

And last but certainly not least, there was a great training event this past weekend at the Mt. Pinos Ranger District.  Headed up by United Trail Maintainers of California (UTMC), over 40 volunteers were certified to use chainsaws for trail clearing projects.  Beth, with UTMC, led the charge and as a result the LP has a fresh crew of certified sawyers to assist with trail clearing projects outside of wilderness areas.  Great stuff and no doubt the trails in and around MPRD will see more action as a direct result of the training.  Hip hip hooray……

Final mini-descent into Madulce Camp