Eye of the Storms

Storming Los Padres from the Salinas River Valley
B E T W E E N   S T O R M S
We’ve had some rain.  The storm that hit the first week of December was a nice healthy one.  It rained across the entire LP but totals varied greatly depending on where you were.   The Ventura Backcountry did quite well with totals in the neighborhood of 3 inches, Matilija getting closer to 5 inches.  SB and SLO Counties didn’t fare as well with most of the backcountry getting under an inch of rain.  Some of the higher peaks like West Big Pine and Black Mtn did receive close to 2 inches, but the rest of the area didn’t get a whole lot.  Interesting how storms move across the area.  Certain parts of the Northern LP got pounded, Mining Ridge got over 12 inches – yowzers!  Most of the Monterey District got 2-6 inches of rain.  Good stuff!

While the rain was a start, it didn’t do much as far as filling up the creeks and getting the water flowing.  Most reports we’ve heard are that the dry creeks remain dry but some of the springs are flowing better.  It sounds like the Earth drank all that rain up and is not letting it out quite yet.

The next storm is forecast to arrive in the LP starting Wednesday night in the North and lasting through Friday morning in the South.  Rain totals will again vary but they are calling for 12hrs of rain with potentially hard downpours.  This storm will also carry some strong winds, a much lower snow level (4,000 – 5,000ft) and potential electrical activity.  Fingers crossed for another nice soaking.

We’ve been getting a lot of questions about when the fire restrictions will be lifted.  The latest we’ve gathered is that the FS is waiting to see what this next storm brings and will make a decision early next week.  We’ll be sure to let you know as soon as we find out.

If you have any great storm photos, send them our way, we’d love to share them……..

C R E E D A N C E    T H E   D O G

This is an interesting story that you may or may not have heard.  Over Thanksgiving weekend, a pack of coonhounds took their owner for a dayhike outside of Fillmore from the Dough Flat Trailhead.  Midway through the hike, Creedance the dog caught a scent and disappeared.  The owners waiting until midnight, hoping Creedance would return, but sadly Creedance never came back.  The owners returned to the trail multiple times over the following days, calling for Creedance and even cooking up tasty meat in the hopes of luring Creedance back home.  Nothing.  Then, 9 days later, Creedance was found by one of the workers in the Sespe Oil Field.  While Creedance did lose some weight, she was healthy and ready to return home.  Her owners are beyond happy to have her back and wanted to thank everyone for their offers to help and well wishes.  Now, If only we could see everywhere Creedance wandered over her 9 day camping trip in the Sespe, that would be interesting……..

M I S S I O N    P I N E    T R A I L

One of the focus trails for the LPFA in 2014 was the Mission Pine Trail in SB County.  Most of the MPT was destroyed in the 2007 Zaca Fire and was in desperate need of some TLC.  We hosted 5 logging and brushing projects in 2014 working the entire 15miles of trail from Windy Gap to McKinley Saddle.  The highlight was reopening the stretch of trail on the western edge of Rattlesnake Canyon, which had been almost impassable for the past few years.  There is still much work to do out there including a mile-long stretch in the middle that needs brushing.  We are hoping to lead additional projects in 2015 and beyond.  Big thanks to all the volunteers who helped and special thanks to the trail leaders: Curt Cragg, Beeman, Mike Smith, Kail and Mickey

Photos, Toejam
Lost Valley
L O S T   V A L L E Y   P R O J E C T

The LPFA will be hosting a trail project on the Lost Valley Trail in the Santa Lucia Ranger District on December 20-21.  The focus will be logging the fallen trees across the trail.  The project will be pack-goat supported starting at NIRA and using Twin Oaks as our basecamp.  For more information please contact Curt Cragg:  cragg.curt@gmail.com

We’ve got a full slate of projects scheduled in 2015.  Please help by becoming a LPFA member today!  Thanks so much and enjoy the coming storm………..  Be safe.