In Spring 2016 the LPFA will be hosting three WORKING VACATIONS. Our first is from April 8-18 at Madulce Camp in the Dick Smith Wilderness. We’ll be working all the trails that radiate from camp including Santa Barbara Canyon, Madulce Trail, Puerto Suelo and the Don Victor Trail. There are options available for volunteers who can only make it for a long weekend or for those who would like to stay all week. We can pretty much customize the arrivals and departures around your schedule. The project will be stock supported and all food expenses covered. If you are interested in helping either as a trail volunteer, cook or packer, contact INFO@LPForest.org. Mike Smith will be the project leader.

Our second WORKING VACATION is May 20-31 based at Sycamore Camp along the middle Sisquoc in the San Rafael Wilderness. Our focus for this project will be to work the Sisquoc Trail downstream from Sycamore to Abel Camp. John Franklin and Steve Cypher are co-leading this project. Volunteers, cooks and/or stock support are needed. I’ll tell you one thing, jumping into the Sisquoc after a long day of work will not be the worst thing.

The third WORKING VACATION is scheduled for June and the location is TBD dependent on how water conditions shape up the rest of the winter and into summer.
If you are interested in learning more or to sign up, let us know: INFO@LPForest.org
The Working Vacations are great fun and I think I can speak for all the previous participants and say that they are some of the best volunteer experiences you can have in the Los Padres. Hope to see you out there…….

And while I have you, don’t forget about the Surf & Turf event TONIGHT at Surf Brewery in Ventura. Information is attached.