Hello Friends,
Lets get right to it! The days are getting shorter, the nights are getting cooler and we know what that means:
This fall should be perfect in the backcountry as there is still so much water out there. Pick your favorite trail, bag your favorite peak or go explore a new corner of the forest; it’s gonna to be a great fall season here in the Los Padres! Go get it!

Manzana Schoolhouse Working Vacation
Backcountry Season also means that the LPFA will be hosting some really fun backcountry volunteer opportunities. We’ll be sharing more in the coming weeks but up first is a November 1-6 Working Vacation at the Manzana Schoolhouse.
The Manzana Schoolhouse was built in 1893 and if any of you have visited the Schoolhouse over the past couple decades, then you certainly know how close it is to collapsing and being lost forever. The LPFA has been working with the Forest Service for most of the past decade trying to get the necessary approvals to repair the Schoolhouse roof. Finally, thanks to some really super volunteers, the ‘fixing of the roof’ is scheduled to happen early next month and we could use your help….
- Our volunteers will drive or hike in to the Schoolhouse on November 1st and will spend the next 6 days doing a combination of roof repairs, campground maintenance and trail restoration on the nearby Manzana, Sisquoc and Hurricane Deck trails.
- While we’d love to have you out there for the whole time, there will be lots of opportunities for shorter stays. We’ll be scheduling a few different drive-in and drive-out days and of course you can hike in from NIRA as well.
- As always, the LPFA will provide all the food for the trip as well as all the tools and training needed in order to volunteer.
- We are also looking for volunteers who like to cook and might be interested in staying at camp and making sure everyone is well fed and energized for the trail work. Let us know if that might be something you would be interested in as well.
If you are interested in learning more or to sign up, please click here and/or email us at
And last but not least, in case you aren’t available or able to help at the Schoolhouse, you can always support by donating. We’re going to have quite a bill between food and roofing supplies and any donations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Hope to see you out there and remember to email us with any questions…..
LPFA Used Outdoor Gear Sale
The LPFA will be hosting our 7th Annual Used Outdoor Gear Sale on Sunday October 22nd at 11am, Tucker’s Grove Site #2. The Used Gear Sale is a great opportunity for LPFA members and supporters to get some killer deals on lightly used gear including a whole bunch of Gossamer Gear backpacks and at the same time also donate gear towards the cause. All proceeds from the Gear Sale go towards the LPFA Trail Care Fund.
This year we will be celebrating the memory of our dear friend Rik Christensen. Rik founded the Used Gear Sale many years ago and his expertise and passion for the forest, the trails and gear was always on full display during these events. He’ll certainly be there with us in spirit on October 22nd…..
Got Used Gear to Donate
- We’ll happily take any used gear you might have and help find it another home.
- Great chance to purge and help in the process.
- Email and we’ll find a way to get the gear exchanged!
Used Outdoor Gear Sale
- Sunday October 22nd, 11am
- Tucker’s Grove Park, Site #2
- Santa Barbara / Goleta
- Email with any questions!
Forest 411

- The LPFA had a terrific time clearing the trails on Pine Mtn (Ojai) as part of National Public Lands Day (NPLD). Our volunteers were able to clear over 20 downed trees from the Boulder Canyon Trail, crosscut 16 downed trees out to Haddock Peak along the Reyes Peak Trail and opened up the Chorro Grande Trail a 1/4 mile or so below Chorro Camp. We had a great time up on Pine Mtn and can’t wait for Hwy 33 to reopen. Thanks again to Topa Topa Brewing for providing the liquid motivation for the volunteers!
- Speaking of Chorro Grande Camp, the spring at this special camp had been mostly dry for the past 7-8 years. We’re happy to report that it is once again flowing nicely thanks to all the rain we got this past winter!
- Speaking of rain from this past winter, the latest report from CalTrans is that Hwy 33 is expected to remain closed through Thanksgiving. Bummer but could be worse.
- The LPFA will be publishing another Los Padres Calendar for 2024. We are collecting photos for the calendar and also taking early orders. Check it out…..
- Some exciting news from the Monterey District: 160 acres of land was recently donated through the Wilderness Land Trust to be added to the Ventana Wilderness. Great news, thanks to the San Francisco (Tassajara) Zen Center for the gift and everyone involved!
- If you like Forest 411, we are always sharing forest information, LPFA news and trail updates on our social media. Check us out at all the usual places! Should also be shared below…..
Volunteer Here
– The LPFA continues to lead twice-weekly volunteer trail projects on the Matilija Trail outside of Ojai. For more information or to sign-up, click here.
– Save the date, a second LPFA Working Vacation, most likely in the San Rafael Wilderness, is being planned for December 1-10, 2023, email for details.
– Save the date 2x, the LPFA will be leading a weekend volunteer project off Hi Mtn Road in SLO in November. Interested? Email us, dates TBD.
– The Ojai Ranger District is looking for volunteers to help at the front desk at the Ojai Ranger Station. Email Maria for more information.
– Our buddies at the Ventana Wilderness Alliance will be leading a series of volunteer projects along the Pine Ridge Trail in Oct and Nov. Check this link for more information.