Otis Calef, One of the Countless Ways he Supports the Trail Cause, Mono Canyon

Good Day Everyone,
Busy times across the forest right now. Trail projects up and down the LP, some flowers are wilting while others are just blooming, most creeks are still flowing, temps are rising, flash floods around Cuyama, rain here but certainly not there and did we mention trail projects? We’ll spend some time soon helping to document all the trail work accomplishments around the forest but for today we’re going to focus on access and promoting a few upcoming trail projects. Lets get to it…..

With the winter and rains now clearly behind us, the FS started opening the gates that were closed due to mandated seasonal closures. Most of the gates across the forest are now open. There are a few here or there that remain closed due to slides (Dry Cyn, MPRD) or other closure policies (Cherry Creek, ORD) but chances are you shouldn’t be stymied by a surprise closed gate for whatever adventure you might be planning. It’s never a bad idea to check before you head out to make sure the road to your trailhead is open. Best thing to do is call the Ranger District you plan on visiting. Other very reliable sources are the Alerts & Notices section of the FS website as well as the gates section on HikeLosPadres.com. Which reminds me, if there are any gates to be added to HikeLosPadres, please let us know at Support@HikeLosPadres.com.
Down the Jackson Trail to Sycamore Camp, San Rafael Wilderness
May 20-30, Sycamore Camp

May 20-30, Sycamore Camp
The LPFA will be hosting a Working Vacation later this month along the Sisquoc Trail in the San Rafael Wilderness. We’ll be basecamping at Sycamore Camp and working the Sisquoc Trail from Sycamore downstream to Abel Camp. The work will be primarily brushing and reestablishing trail tread with some crosscut mixed in for good measure. The project lasts 10 days but has smaller time chunks available for people who can only make 3-4 days at a time. We’ll work around your schedule. The LPFA is arranging stock support for the project as well as a camp cook and all the food for volunteers. This is a great way to visit this remote and wild portion of the forest and is open to volunteers of all skill and experience levels. Come one, come all. John Franklin and Steve Cypher will be leading the project, email INFO@LPForest.org for more information or to sign up. See you out there……..
Shady Waterfull Alder Creek

June 3-5, Middle Santa Ynez Camp
June 4 is National Trails Day, yippee! There will be a bunch of projects across the forest that we will share in the next few weeks. This is the third year the LPFA will be participating in NTD. Last year we worked the North Cold Spring Slide and this year we’ll be moving a little to the east to work the North Franklin Trail along Alder Creek in the Carpinteria backcountry. We’ll be basecamping at Middle Santa Ynez Campground and then driving to the trailhead near Jameson Lake to work the trail. Food will be provided for all volunteers and we’ll be sure to mix in enough fun around the trail work to make it a good time for everyone. Bring the family, enjoy the nearby hot springs, help clear the historic trail, sign songs around the campfire, laugh with friends and we hope to see you there. Sign up at INFO@LPForest.org.
Old Man Sunrise, May 2016