For those of you in the Big Sur area or wanting an excuse to cruise Hwy 1, the LPFA is hosting a Wilderness Celebration at Big Sur Station on Saturday June 27 from 10am – 4pm. The event will be held outside the Big Sur Station and will feature bluegrass music by the Zach Brough Band, a climbing wall for the kiddies (and non-kiddies), informational booths (Ventana Wildlife Society, Ventana Wilderness Alliance, California State Parks, Forest Service, etc….), food, local photographer exhibits and a children’s arts and crafts area. Gonna be a great time! See here for more information. Hope to see you there…….

The Santa Lucia Ranger District was able to design and secure new kiosks to be placed at 7 of the San Rafael and Dick Smith Wilderness trailheads. This past weekend, a group of volunteers installed three of the new kiosks at the NIRA and Cachuma Saddle trailheads. Up next is McPherson Peak, Rancho Nuevo and Santa Barbara Canyon. If you are interested in helping with the next wave of installations, please email
Mike Smith is leading a trail project in the Sequoia on June 26-28. The work will be along the Woodpecker Trail and will be mostly chainsaw bucking fallen trees that are blocking the trail. For more information or to sign up, contact Mike Smith at:
Upcoming Events and Projects
June 27: Big Sur Wilderness Celebration
July 10-12: Bear Sisquoc Crosscut
July 10-12: Santa Barbara 100 Endurance Run Support
August: Madulce Trail Crosscut
September: Alamar Trail Crosscut